
Burst! New state business investment immigration application closed temporarily

[Immigration News]     19 Dec 2018
New South Wales government announced the temporary closure of applications for business investment migrants (188 and 132).

New South Wales government announced the temporary closure of applications for business investment migrants (188 and 132).

Specific opening hours need to wait for further notice.

Burst! New state business investment immigration application closed temporarily

Currently, the following projects are closed:

Burst! New state business investment immigration application closed temporarily

-Business Innovation Category (Business Innovation stream-BIV-188A 7): for persons with business skills who wish to start and manage new or existing businesses in Australia.

-(Investor stream-IV-188B 1): for those interested in investing at least A $1.5 million in a designated investment project in an Australian state or territory and continuing to expand business and investment activities in Australia.

-(Significant Investor stream-SIV-188C): for those interested in investing at least A $5 million in Australian compliance investments and maintaining business and investment activities in Australia. Applicants must first be nominated by an Australian state or territory, government or the Australian Trade Commission.

-Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneur stream-Ent-188E, for those interested in engaging in a business in Australia that meet the requirements of a start-up in Australia, where applicants are required to obtain an investment contract of two hundred thousand Australian dollars from a third party. State nominations are required.

-132A significant Business Achievement category (Significant Business History stream) applies to applicants who intend to start a new or existing business in Australia to hold leadership positions.

-132B Venture Capital Entrepreneurship (Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream) is most suitable for investment-oriented talents with investment vision, background and assets compared to other business migration projects.

Currently, the following projects remain open:

Burst! New state business investment immigration application closed temporarily
Burst! New state business investment immigration application closed temporarily
Burst! New state business investment immigration application closed temporarily

It is reported that the recent state government invitations to business investment immigrants have slowed down the speed of approval. It took more than one month for an intermediary to be granted an invitation to Kunzhou in 188A.

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