
Rejection rate increased by 46%! The number of permanent immigrants from Australia has fallen to a 10-year low! The number of applicants plunged by 10%, and the number of withdrawn applications increased by 17%

[Migration News]     14 Jul 2018
Under the leadership of Australia's current prime minister, Tam Po, the federal government has imposed an increasingly stringent visa review process, which has sent the number of migrants granted permanent residence status to their lowest level in 10 years.

Under the leadership of Australia's current prime minister, Tam Po, the federal government has imposed an increasingly stringent visa review process, which has sent the number of migrants granted permanent residence status to their lowest level in 10 years.

Australia receives more than 10 percent fewer permanent immigrants a year, less than 163000, the lowest level since 2007, according to the latest immigration data.

According to a report by the Home Office, the total number of immigrants allowed under the all-Australian immigration program fell from 183608 a year to 162417, compared with a peak of one hundred and ninety thousand a year under Kevin Rudd and Gillard.

The sharp decline in the number of immigrants in 2017 / 18 is due to the new immigration application integrity policy. Although the new policy has greatly reduced immigration fraud, there has been a heated debate between the public and the government over the setting of annual immigration quotas.

In the previous fiscal year, the maximum number of immigrants remained at one hundred and ninety thousand, but the actual number fell to one hundred and sixty three thousand. There are also arguments that Australia should not accept large numbers of immigrants in any case, because crowded state cities simply cannot absorb the current number of immigrants.

Notably, the one hundred and ninety thousand-cap number of immigrants provides a permanent residence visa for skilled workers and their families. The number of humanitarian recipients of refugees is calculated separately.

Before that, would the coalition government be cut back by former prime minister Tony? There was a heated internal debate within Albert (Tony Abbott) 's government. At the time, Albert wanted to reduce the quota to one hundred and ten thousand.

The Australian newspaper has confirmed that the immigration integrity survey led to a 46 percent jump in rejection rates and a 17 percent increase in the number of applications withdrawn as a result of stricter scrutiny.

Data display:

The number of skilled immigrants has dropped by about 12468, to 111099 this year;

The biggest drop came from household migrants-mainly spouse visas-who were cut by nearly 15% to 47732;

There has been a slight decline in the number of immigrants with special qualifications;

The number of child settlements intervened by the Minister of Immigration remained basically unchanged.

It is understood that the decline in immigration will lead to a change in budget estimates for next year as migration levels are linked to economic growth. The Australian newspaper reported earlier this year that immigration secretary Dutton suggested to his cabinet colleagues last year that the official limit of 190000 people should be reduced by 20, 000, but it was not formally proposed in the cabinet.

However, with the Home Office stepping up immigration assessments and the Tembo government's decision to change the Labour Party's "target of one hundred and ninety thousand" to a "ceiling", the reduction in immigration numbers is in effect consistent with Darden's recommendations.

"I want immigration programs to work for Australians, not just for immigrants themselves," Dutton said. In my opinion, we will continue to look for those immigrants who will make the greatest contribution to our country, including in our villages and towns. "

Authorities have been strengthening data matching by cross-referencing visa applications with other applicant information held by Australian agencies in an effort to eliminate false information, fraudulent applications and falsified documents, it is reported.

Australia's "net expatriate" (net overseas migration) statistics, (NOM), tracked population movements to and from the country.

It includes those who enter on temporary visas, including temporary work visas, student visas and tourist visas. They also include Australians who leave the country or live abroad for a while and return home.

Earlier this year, the Home Affairs Department estimated that 511900 people would arrive in Australia by the end of the fiscal year.

Minus 286200 departures, Australia should have 225700 "net" immigrants.

Mr Darden said he had taken action to ensure that the government "brought the best immigrants into our country" and that those who gave false information or exaggerated their qualifications would be refused.

"We can no longer accept all applicants without setting a threshold, as we did before.

I want to make sure that we review every application so that we can get quality immigrants.

Those who are able to integrate into our community and intend to work in Australia, not those who eat welfare.

We want to ensure that people who come to Australia, especially through spouse visas, are true partners.

If。 We are now doing the right thing, and eventually we will welcome better immigrants. "

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