
New deal of working holiday visa: 3-year signing, renewal requirement relaxed

[Immigration News]     05 Nov 2018
The federal government plans to extend the stay in Australia of people with working vacation visas, including backpackers,. (SBS pictures)
New deal of working holiday visa: 3-year signing, renewal requirement relaxed

The federal government plans to extend the stay in Australia of people with working vacation visas, including backpackers,. (SBS pictures)

To help farmers cope with labour shortages, the federal government plans to extend the stay of workers on holiday visas, including backpackers.


Backpackers no longer need to change jobs every six months, and if they do more farm work, they can stay in Australia twice as long as they are now.

Prime Minister credit Mosuisse (Scott Morrison) visited a strawberry farm in southeastern Kunzhou on Monday to announce visa reform for working vacations.

"it`s my top priority for Australians to fill their jobs in Australia," he said. "but when it`s not possible, we need to make sure that farmers don`t suffer from crop decay, especially the strawberry industry."

工党前座议员利希(Andrew Leigh)则批评政府的这一决定“鼠目寸光”。

According to a report released last week, about 1/3 of backpackers in Australia earn less than A $12 an hour and are owed a total of A $1 billion.

"the government needs to be very clear about how to deal with these things and how to create more agricultural jobs for Australians," Leahy told Sky News (Sky News).

The National Party had earlier hoped to introduce a new agricultural visa, and Deputy Prime Minister McCormack (Michael McCormack), leader of the National Party, denied that the reform of the working holiday visa reform was proof that the party`s plan was "stillborn". "it is always difficult to introduce a specific agricultural visa during the harvest season, but we are committed to ensuring that more permanent arrangements can be implemented," he told Ausa.


"We need to make sure that good workers can come back, and that`s what all farmers want."

Under the government`s new arrangement, a clause forcing certain backpackers to work in northern Australia has also been revoked, instead allowing backpackers to work in broader areas across Australia.


The backpackers, who work in Australia while vacationing, "the money they earn here, too, is the point," he said.

A Survey of the Reform of Employment Holiday Visa

  • Holders of a working holiday visa (417 or 462) can stay in Australia from 2 to 3 years from mid-2019 if they have worked in remote areas for six months in the second year of their stay in Australia.
  • Migrant vacationers still need to work in remote areas for at least three months in the first year if they want to get a second-year visa to stay in Australia. But 462 visa holders have a greater choice of places of work. At present, they can only work in northern Australia, but in the future they will be able to work in some important rural areas of New, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia, as well as throughout the Northern Territory, South Australia and Tata. The beneficiaries of the reform need to work in agriculture, but workers in northern Australia can still work in tourism and hospitality.
  • In some countries, the age of migrant vacationers has been widened from 30 to 35.
  • Migrant vacationers have been working for the same employer for an extended period of six months to one year.
  • In many countries, 462 visa quotas were increased.

Overview of seasonal Labor Plan Reform

  • This is a seasonal work plan to help Pacific Island residents come to Australia for certain jobs. Islanders can travel to Australia for a maximum of nine months on 416 visas when employers cannot find local workers. The current limit for citizens of some countries is six months.
  • Some of the expenses paid by seasonal visa holders will be reduced.

Follow-up impact of reform

  • These reforms aim to address the shortage of farm workers in rural and remote Australia.
  • Visa holders, who spend locally, are also expected to boost the rural economy.

Visa quota Overview

  • 2017-18财年,当局签发了185,450份第1年及第2年417签证,签发了25,006份第1年及第2年462签证。
  • 最大的417签证者来源国是英国、德国及法国,最大的462签证者来源国则是美国、中国及智利。
  • 每年获季节工签证的岛民约6000人。

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