
A growing-up story outside Melbourne's skyscraper: little peregrine falcon bravely learning to fly

[Social News]     09 Nov 2018
Outside a building in CBD, Melbourne, a small peregrine falcon bravely made its first flight. (photo by Daily Mail)
A growing-up story outside Melbourne's skyscraper: little peregrine falcon bravely learning to fly

Outside a building in CBD, Melbourne, a small peregrine falcon bravely made its first flight. (photo by Daily Mail)

On Thursday morning, a small peregrine falcon bravely made its first flight outside a building in MelbourneCBD, the Daily Mail reported.

At about 09:45 Thursday morning, a small peregrine falcon was learning to fly outside the high-rise building at (Collins Street) 367 CBD Corinth Street in Melbourne. He approached the edge several times cautiously, hesitating, and finally, with the constant encouragement and leadership of his parents, bravely flew into the blue sky.

Some netizens just filmed this lovely scene, and put the video on the Internet.

The netizen revealed that in early September, a peregrine falcon built a nest outside the building and laid four eggs. On October 2, three of them hatched birds, but one died of illness.

This video was put on the Internet, the number of hits reached hundreds, and many netizens give praise.

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