
Melbourne revealed that customers were hoarding milk powder, and nearly 10 people bought about 100 cans.

[Social News]     25 Jun 2019
A row of trolleys in the back of another shop was filled with milk powder. (picture of Daily Mail)An online video showed a group of customers buying large amounts of milk powder from an Woolworths supermarket in Melbourne on Sunday, the Daily Mail reported. The photographer said he saw 10 people buy about 100 cans of milk powder from the supermarket.
Melbourne revealed that customers were hoarding milk powder, and nearly 10 people bought about 100 cans.

A row of trolleys in the back of another shop was filled with milk powder. (picture of Daily Mail)

An online video showed a group of customers buying large amounts of milk powder from an Woolworths supermarket in Melbourne on Sunday, the Daily Mail reported. The photographer said he saw 10 people buy about 100 cans of milk powder from the supermarket.

The video was reported on Sunday, Matt Ward, in a Melbourne supermarket. He said the supermarket`s milk powder should be placed in a glass cabinet, a limited amount, but at that time,8 to 10 customers were bought on a number of round-trip supermarkets.

Ward`s video shows a man walking out of the supermarket with two cans of milk powder and walking to a row of trolleys behind a sushi restaurant. Next to it were two women each pulling a full cart, leave.

Melbourne revealed that customers were hoarding milk powder, and nearly 10 people bought about 100 cans.

A woman pulls a shopping cart full of milk powder, leave. (picture of Daily Mail)

In addition to the video, there is a photo showing five shopping trolleys lined up in front of an invisible wall at Woolworths supermarket. These trolleys all look full of milk powder.

Ward says the group of customers looks like they have an organizational system. Each of them bought two cans of milk powder and put it in a shopping cart outside the supermarket and repeated it. Some wheelbarrows are filled with milk powder, each of which may contain 15 to 20 cans. At one point, he saw five people coming back at the same time, each with two cans of milk powder in his hand.

Woolworths said the supermarket stores are restricted to two cans of milk powder per person. Store team members are also trying to ensure that each customer can buy milk powder when needed. At the weekend, QV stores had plenty of milk powder in stock until Monday. Supermarkets also encourage parents who can`t find the milk powder to contact the store manager so that the supermarket can help them find milk powder as soon as possible.

Melbourne revealed that customers were hoarding milk powder, and nearly 10 people bought about 100 cans.

The customer bought the milk powder. ( Picture)

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