
There are frequent brawl incidents in Melbourne middle school, students sell videos and earn money.

[Social News]     24 Feb 2019
Gisborne High School releases several violent brawl videos on campus (Daily Mail photo)Students at a high school in Melbourne are accused of trying to sell videos of violent fights on campus to the website, the Daily Mail reported.
There are frequent brawl incidents in Melbourne middle school, students sell videos and earn money.

Gisborne High School releases several violent brawl videos on campus (Daily Mail photo)

Students at a high school in Melbourne are accused of trying to sell videos of violent fights on campus to the website, the Daily Mail reported.

In just a week, the Pioneer Sun received as many as 10 videos of violent fights at (Gisborne Secondary College) School in Gisborne High School.

One video shows two boys wrestling on the floor. In another video, two boys fight as they are surrounded.

It is alleged that the students involved have been punished, three of whom were suspended from school.

In a letter to parents, headmaster Molly (Jon Morley) said the leaked video described the school "in a totally unfair way."

Police say they have information about students trying to make money by selling brawl videos. Meanwhile, the state education department called on people familiar with the matter to contact the police.

According to one parent, violent incidents in Gisborne middle school are taking place against this backdrop.

"my child told me that every day someone was beaten, scolded, or bullied," the parent said.

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