
Cruise ships head to Kangaroo Island after forest fire

[Social News]     21 Jan 2020
Penneshaw has welcomed its first cruise since the Great Forest Fire on Kangaroo Island, according to the Advertiser newspaper, injecting huge power into local economics. The Kangaroo Island business is now fully open, with about 2,000 guests on board the SunPrincess (Princess Sun) cruise into Penneshaw. The cruise was cancelled several times as a result of the bushfire, the first service since the...

Penneshaw has welcomed its first cruise since the Great Forest Fire on Kangaroo Island, according to the Advertiser newspaper, injecting huge power into local economics.

The Kangaroo Island business is now fully open, with about 2,000 guests on board the Sun Princess (Princess Sun) cruise into Penneshaw. The cruise was cancelled several times as a result of the bushfire, the first service since the disaster.

South Australia`s governor, Steven Marshall, welcomed passengers keen to support local economics.

Cruise ships head to Kangaroo Island after forest fire

Stuart Allison, senior vice president of Princess Cruises, was among the visitors and said from the start of the day, the sales of onshore tours would be used to support the mitigation of forest fires.

Tourists pay for food, drinks and souvenirs locally, and cruise ships provide a huge boost to local economics, Marshall said. "The locals like cruise ships and we like them to come back. "

"It`s time for South Australians to book holidays for Kangaroo Island and the Adelaide Hills. "There are a lot of South Australians who have never been to Kangaroo Island," Marshall said," and if your family is considering a holiday, or invite friends interstate or overseas or even business meetings, consider Kangaroo Island and the Adelaide Hills." "

The kangaroo island`s agriculture and tourism industry has been hit "six times" and it`s time to get into recovery, Marshall said.

It's been heartening to see so many people getting on board with our #BookThemOut campaign.

Now is the time to be booking holidays on KI and in the Hills.

Together, every trip we make and every dollar we spend will help in the recovery of these bushfire affected communities.

— Steven Marshall, MP (@marshall_steven) January 20, 2020

Rodney Harrex, chief executive of the South Australian Tourism Authority, also welcomed the Sun Lord on the island. South Australia Tourism Association (SATC) staff have been filming for the # BookThemOut promotion to keep the world informed that Kangaroo Island has reopened.

Clint Feuerherdt, chief executive of SeaLink Travel Group, said there had been a flood of inquiries about discounted ferry tickets for the # BookThemOut event at their sales centre and website. He said:" South Australia`s response to the # BookThemOut event has inspired SeaLink. "

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