Wangi Wangi

Wangi Wangi, New South Wales, 2267

  ranked 61 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Aggregate Data of Wangi Wangi
Postal code: 2267
Overall rating: 7.6, ranked 61 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population: 2670, ranked 52 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Measurement: 3.6558 km2 , ranked 62 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population density: 730.35 person/km2
Average level of education: 10.56 years , ranked 83 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median yearly personal income: 25636 AUD , ranked 103 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly personal income: 493 AUD , ranked 103 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly family income: 1218 AUD , ranked 111 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly household income: 931 AUD , ranked 123 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Updated: 2019-06-01 12:56:33