
Walkerville, South Australia, 5081

  ranked 20 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Aggregate Data of Walkerville
Postal code: 5081 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Medindie Gardens
Vale Park
Overall rating: 9.0, ranked 20 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population: 2354, ranked 170 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Measurement: 1.2238 km2 , ranked 214 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population density: 1923.52 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 4.4 km
Average level of education: 11.36 years , ranked 79 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median yearly personal income: 36660 AUD , ranked 74 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly personal income: 705 AUD , ranked 74 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly family income: 2309 AUD , ranked 26 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly household income: 1388 AUD , ranked 113 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Walkerville suburbs nearby
Collinswood 5081
Vale Park 5081
Medindie Gardens 5081
Joslin 5070
Gilberton 5081
Medindie 5081
St Peters 5069
Nailsworth 5083
Royston Park 5070
Updated: 2019-04-30 23:25:32