South Maitland

South Maitland, New South Wales, 2320

  ranked 148 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Aggregate Data of South Maitland
Overall rating: 6.1, ranked 148 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population: 533, ranked 134 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Measurement: 2.2522 km2 , ranked 82 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population density: 236.66 person/km2
Average level of education: 9.95 years , ranked 151 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median yearly personal income: 20176 AUD , ranked 148 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly personal income: 388 AUD , ranked 148 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly family income: 860 AUD , ranked 152 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly household income: 741 AUD , ranked 148 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Attraction near South Maitland
Hunter Valley Gardens
Food & shopping near South Maitland
Scarborough Wine Co
Tyrrell's Wines
Leogate Estate Wines
Audrey Wilkinson
Peterson House
McGuigan Wines
Waverley Estate Hunter Valley
Tulloch Wines
Harkham Wine
Calais Estate Winery
Hope Estate Winery
Updated: 2019-06-14 04:42:25