
Sebastopol, Victoria, 3356

  ranked 42 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Aggregate Data of Sebastopol
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3356 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 7.4, ranked 42 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Population: 9398, ranked 2 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Measurement: 8.3381 km2 , ranked 49 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Population density: 1127.12 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 2.7 km
Average level of education: 10.43 years , ranked 62 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median yearly personal income: 22360 AUD , ranked 59 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly personal income: 430 AUD , ranked 59 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly family income: 958 AUD , ranked 61 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly household income: 764 AUD , ranked 62 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Sebastopol suburbs nearby
Redan 3350
Mount Pleasant 3350
Delacombe 3356
Newington 3350
Kingston 3364
Mount Egerton 3352
Ballarat Central 3350
Millbrook 3352
Bonshaw 3356
Updated: 2019-05-15 13:02:34