Point Piper

Point Piper, New South Wales, 2027

  ranked 117 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Aggregate Data of Point Piper
Postal code: 2027 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Darling Point
Overall rating: 9.0, ranked 117 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Population: 1404, ranked 494 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Measurement: 0.3891 km2 , ranked 569 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Population density: 3608.33 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 3.9 km
Average level of education: 11.76 years , ranked 7 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median yearly personal income: 71240 AUD , ranked 4 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly personal income: 1370 AUD , ranked 4 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly family income: 3005 AUD , ranked 8 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly household income: 2680 AUD , ranked 16 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Attraction near Point Piper
Seven Shillings Beach
Point Piper suburbs nearby
Bellevue Hill 2023
Double Bay 2028
Darling Point 2027
Rose Bay 2029
Edgecliff 2027
Woollahra 2025
Elizabeth Bay 2011
Rushcutters Bay 2011
Bondi Junction 2022
Updated: 2019-04-30 12:46:19