Park Grove

Park Grove, Tasmania, 7320

Aggregate Data of Park Grove
State: Tasmania
Overall rating: 6.6
Population: 2359, ranked 1 in all suburbs of
Measurement: 2.1838 km2 , ranked 1 in all suburbs of
Population density: 1080.23 person/km2
Average level of education: 10.64 years , ranked 1 in all suburbs of
Median yearly personal income: 28496 AUD , ranked 1 in all suburbs of
Median weekly personal income: 548 AUD , ranked 1 in all suburbs of
Median weekly family income: 1459 AUD , ranked 1 in all suburbs of
Median weekly household income: 1196 AUD , ranked 1 in all suburbs of
Attraction near Park Grove
Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden
Makers' Workshop
Food & shopping near Park Grove
Burnie Farmers' Market
Updated: 2019-06-25 06:23:40