
Nome, Queensland, 4816

  ranked 31 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Aggregate Data of Nome
State: Queensland
Overall rating: 7.6, ranked 31 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Population: 991, ranked 38 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Measurement: 53.3264 km2 , ranked 8 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Population density: 18.58 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 18.9 km
Average level of education: 10.56 years , ranked 48 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Median yearly personal income: 33020 AUD , ranked 30 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Median weekly personal income: 635 AUD , ranked 30 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Median weekly family income: 1581 AUD , ranked 22 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Median weekly household income: 1356 AUD , ranked 24 in all 57 suburbs of Townsville
Attraction near Nome
Paluma Range National Park
Billabong Sanctuary
Orpheus Island
Paluma Reservoir
Edmund Kennedy National Park
Nome suburbs nearby
Julago 4816
Cape Cleveland 4810
Stuart 4811
Roseneath 4811
Cluden 4811
Oak Valley 4811
Oonoonba 4811
Wulguru 4811
Murray 4814
Updated: 2019-06-09 02:42:57