Mount Moriac

Mount Moriac, Victoria, 3240

  ranked 43 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Aggregate Data of Mount Moriac
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3240 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 7.8, ranked 43 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Population: 252, ranked 52 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Measurement: 40.6502 km2 , ranked 16 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Population density: 6.2 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 16.8 km
Average level of education: 10.51 years , ranked 55 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median yearly personal income: 34632 AUD , ranked 9 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly personal income: 666 AUD , ranked 9 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly family income: 1583 AUD , ranked 28 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly household income: 1343 AUD , ranked 28 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Mount Moriac suburbs nearby
Moriac 3240
Gnarwarre 3221
Freshwater Creek 3216
Barrabool 3221
Paraparap 3240
Ceres 3221
Mount Duneed 3216
Wandana Heights 3216
Highton 3216
Updated: 2019-06-21 04:44:09