Mount Austin

Mount Austin, New South Wales, 2650

  ranked 23 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Aggregate Data of Mount Austin
Overall rating: 6.4, ranked 23 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Population: 4000, ranked 6 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Measurement: 2.0774 km2 , ranked 26 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Population density: 1925.48 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 3.2 km
Average level of education: 10.24 years , ranked 30 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Median yearly personal income: 22620 AUD , ranked 31 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Median weekly personal income: 435 AUD , ranked 31 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Median weekly family income: 987 AUD , ranked 30 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Median weekly household income: 794 AUD , ranked 30 in all 31 suburbs of Wagga Wagga
Attraction near Mount Austin
City of Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens
Wagga Wagga Art Gallery
Lake Albert
Victory Memorial Gardens
Food & shopping near Mount Austin
Riverina Producers' Market
Mount Austin suburbs nearby
Glenfield Park 2650
Bourkelands 2650
Ashmont 2650
Kooringal 2650
Lloyd 2650
East Wagga Wagga 2650
Moorong 2650
Lake Albert 2650
North Wagga Wagga 2650
Updated: 2019-05-27 08:47:36