
Morley, Western Australia, 6062

  ranked 20 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Aggregate Data of Morley
Postal code: 6062 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 9.1, ranked 20 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Population: 20302, ranked 4 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Measurement: 10.5547 km2 , ranked 61 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Population density: 1923.5 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 8.3 km
Average level of education: 10.77 years , ranked 224 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median yearly personal income: 30108 AUD , ranked 225 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly personal income: 579 AUD , ranked 225 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly family income: 1410 AUD , ranked 231 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly household income: 1230 AUD , ranked 214 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Morley suburbs nearby
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Updated: 2019-05-03 15:49:21