Overall rating: 6.2, ranked 48 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Population: 1557, ranked 21 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Measurement: 0.67 km2 , ranked 55 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Population density: 2323.88 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 5 km
Average level of education: 10 years , ranked 55 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median yearly personal income: 18408 AUD , ranked 55 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly personal income: 354 AUD , ranked 55 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly family income: 771 AUD , ranked 54 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly household income: 630 AUD , ranked 54 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston