Marks Point

Marks Point, New South Wales, 2280

  ranked 118 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Aggregate Data of Marks Point
Postal code: 2280 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Belmont North
Belmont South
Croudace Bay
Overall rating: 6.2, ranked 118 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population: 1731, ranked 74 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Measurement: 1.2691 km2 , ranked 109 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population density: 1363.96 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 19.1 km
Average level of education: 10.34 years , ranked 118 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median yearly personal income: 24700 AUD , ranked 117 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly personal income: 475 AUD , ranked 117 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly family income: 1116 AUD , ranked 131 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly household income: 823 AUD , ranked 139 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Marks Point suburbs nearby
Belmont South 2280
Pelican 2281
Blacksmiths 2281
Belmont 2280
Swansea 2281
Coal Point 2283
Fishing Point 2283
Caves Beach 2281
Valentine 2280
Updated: 2019-05-17 08:52:51