
Greenway, Australian Capital Territory, 2900

  ranked 107 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Aggregate Data of Greenway
Postal code: 2900
Overall rating: 8.0, ranked 107 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population: 1450, ranked 94 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Measurement: 5.3082 km2 , ranked 30 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population density: 273.16 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 16.2 km
Average level of education: 11.33 years , ranked 59 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median yearly personal income: 51272 AUD , ranked 30 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly personal income: 986 AUD , ranked 30 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly family income: 2026 AUD , ranked 91 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly household income: 1699 AUD , ranked 85 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Greenway suburbs nearby
Oxley 2903
Bonython 2905
Isabella Plains 2905
Kambah 2902
Monash 2904
Wanniassa 2903
Gowrie 2904
Gordon 2906
Richardson 2905
Updated: 2019-05-01 20:43:42