Fairview Park

Fairview Park, South Australia, 5126

  ranked 135 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Aggregate Data of Fairview Park
Postal code: 5126 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Surrey Downs
Yatala Vale
Overall rating: 8.8, ranked 135 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population: 3620, ranked 90 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Measurement: 2.5881 km2 , ranked 118 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Population density: 1398.71 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 18.6 km
Average level of education: 11.12 years , ranked 160 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median yearly personal income: 34840 AUD , ranked 95 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly personal income: 670 AUD , ranked 95 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly family income: 1611 AUD , ranked 164 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Median weekly household income: 1433 AUD , ranked 101 in all 356 suburbs of Adelaide
Fairview Park suburbs nearby
Yatala Vale 5126
Banksia Park 5091
Surrey Downs 5126
Upper Hermitage 5131
Redwood Park 5097
Tea Tree Gully 5091
Ridgehaven 5097
Wynn Vale 5127
St Agnes 5097
Updated: 2019-05-03 16:33:28