East Cannington

East Cannington, Western Australia, 6107

  ranked 183 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Aggregate Data of East Cannington
Postal code: 6107 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Queens Park
Wattle Grove
Overall rating: 8.5, ranked 183 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Population: 4300, ranked 144 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Measurement: 2.7426 km2 , ranked 213 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Population density: 1567.86 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 11.2 km
Average level of education: 10.91 years , ranked 172 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median yearly personal income: 33540 AUD , ranked 160 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly personal income: 645 AUD , ranked 160 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly family income: 1619 AUD , ranked 184 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly household income: 1458 AUD , ranked 149 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
East Cannington suburbs nearby
Welshpool 6106
Queens Park 6107
Beckenham 6107
Cannington 6107
Kenwick 6107
Bentley 6102
Kewdale 6105
Ferndale 6148
Langford 6147
Updated: 2019-05-02 02:34:16