Dicky Beach

Dicky Beach, Queensland, 4551

  ranked 69 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Aggregate Data of Dicky Beach
State: Queensland
Overall rating: 7.3, ranked 69 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Population: 1758, ranked 43 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Measurement: 1.034 km2 , ranked 91 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Population density: 1700.19 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 16.2 km
Average level of education: 10.73 years , ranked 83 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median yearly personal income: 24336 AUD , ranked 83 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly personal income: 468 AUD , ranked 83 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly family income: 1065 AUD , ranked 85 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Median weekly household income: 831 AUD , ranked 91 in all 96 suburbs of Sunshine Coast
Attraction near Dicky Beach
Kings Beach
Queensland Air Museum
Dicky Beach suburbs nearby
Battery Hill 4551
Moffat Beach 4551
Aroona 4551
Caloundra 4551
Currimundi 4551
Kings Beach 4551
Wurtulla 4575
Caloundra West 4551
Little Mountain 4551
Updated: 2019-05-06 05:29:53