
Campbell, Australian Capital Territory, 2612

  ranked 5 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Aggregate Data of Campbell
Postal code: 2612 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 9.2, ranked 5 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population: 4930, ranked 27 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Measurement: 5.5742 km2 , ranked 28 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population density: 884.43 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 2.3 km
Average level of education: 11.74 years , ranked 6 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median yearly personal income: 44824 AUD , ranked 80 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly personal income: 862 AUD , ranked 80 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly family income: 2899 AUD , ranked 6 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly household income: 2416 AUD , ranked 22 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Attraction near Campbell
Australian War Memorial
Campbell suburbs nearby
Reid 2612
Parkes 2600
Braddon 2612
Ainslie 2602
Pialligo 2609
Kingston 2604
Acton 2601
Turner 2612
Dickson 2602
Updated: 2019-05-08 16:46:54