
Bywong, New South Wales, 2621

  ranked 5 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Aggregate Data of Bywong
Postal code: 2621 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Primrose Valley
Overall rating: 9.2, ranked 5 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population: 1195, ranked 96 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Measurement: 76.177 km2 , ranked 13 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Population density: 15.69 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 13.5 km
Average level of education: 11.39 years , ranked 49 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median yearly personal income: 53352 AUD , ranked 22 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly personal income: 1026 AUD , ranked 22 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly family income: 2473 AUD , ranked 30 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Median weekly household income: 2442 AUD , ranked 21 in all 116 suburbs of Canberra
Bywong suburbs nearby
Greenleigh 2620
Queanbeyan East 2620
Queanbeyan 2620
Karabar 2620
Oaks Estate 2620
The Ridgeway 2620
Jerrabomberra 2619
Symonston 2609
Hume 2620
Updated: 2019-05-01 02:42:34