
Brightwaters, New South Wales, 2264

  ranked 63 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Aggregate Data of Brightwaters
Overall rating: 7.5, ranked 63 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population: 876, ranked 114 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Measurement: 1.691 km2 , ranked 93 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population density: 518.04 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 30.1 km
Average level of education: 10.66 years , ranked 63 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median yearly personal income: 28340 AUD , ranked 78 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly personal income: 545 AUD , ranked 78 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly family income: 1307 AUD , ranked 97 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly household income: 975 AUD , ranked 113 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Brightwaters suburbs nearby
Balcolyn 2264
Bonnells Bay 2264
Wyee Point 2259
Eraring 2264
Morisset Park 2264
Nords Wharf 2281
Arcadia Vale 2283
Fishing Point 2283
Buttaba 2283
Updated: 2019-05-24 19:43:02