Bell Park

Bell Park, Victoria, 3215

  ranked 53 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Aggregate Data of Bell Park
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3215 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Bell Post Hill
Hamlyn Heights
North Geelong
Overall rating: 6.7, ranked 53 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Population: 5286, ranked 13 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Measurement: 3.2692 km2 , ranked 48 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Population density: 1616.91 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 4.9 km
Average level of education: 10.21 years , ranked 61 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median yearly personal income: 19760 AUD , ranked 60 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly personal income: 380 AUD , ranked 60 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly family income: 1138 AUD , ranked 53 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly household income: 879 AUD , ranked 56 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Attraction near Bell Park
Powerhouse Geelong
Food & shopping near Bell Park
Geelong Vintage Market
Bell Park suburbs nearby
North Geelong 3215
Bell Post Hill 3215
Batesford 3221
Hamlyn Heights 3215
Rippleside 3215
Norlane 3214
Herne Hill 3218
Geelong West 3218
Drumcondra 3215
Updated: 2019-05-22 10:38:52