
A few points concerning China's shipment to Australia should be paid attention to:

Australia is Australia, which is the only country in the world that covers the entire continent. Australia faces the sea on all sides, the maritime transportation industry is developed, the coastline is 36735 kilometers, has 97 ports, is an international trade goods mainly depends on the maritime transport country, the maritime transport mainly bears the foreign trade transportation. Because Australia has a beautiful climate, perfect welfare and medical care, and this free and open cultural environment, it attracts people from all over the world to work here, study, and many people choose to settle here. But furniture and other household items purchased in Australia are very expensive, so many Chinese will choose to return home to buy furniture and personal goods to transport to Australia. To this end, I have sorted out the following points for attention in relation to the shipment of goods from China to Australia:


1. Possession of items must be old and operated for more than one year, consistent with transport status: resident (PR), permanent resident, (IRRV), citizen, (citizenship). These transport identities are tax-free.

2, before transportation, look for several international moving companies (companies with official business licenses issued by the Bureau of Commerce and Industry), and compare prices. Comparison of service content and prices, targeted selection of 2 to 3 companies for a clear comparison.

3, consulting the company, detailed understanding of the costs and implied costs. In general, the cost of shipping in China is included. There will be a lot of hidden costs when you get to your destination. This must be made clear. In addition, the contract of carriage must also be signed.

4, in the packaging of goods, you can wrap some clothes and groceries. This will save some packing expenses. For other items, fragile items or furniture, the selected international moving company will have professional packaging.

5. In addition, new items must be replaced by professional packaging, as the port of destination will carry out customs inspection, otherwise it will face the risk of paying customs duties and fines.

6. After the goods are transported to the port of destination, you need to cooperate with the local company for customs clearance. Otherwise, during the customs clearance period, there will be a high demurrage storage fee if the customs clearance is not completed.

The shipping process of the first consignment to Australia;

1) the consignor contacted us to inform the cargo information and the port of destination information. According to the cargo situation, moving mode, route, shipping date and other information, we provide high quality transportation mode and quotation.

2) according to the transportation plan and quotation provided by our company, communicate, negotiate, confirm the cooperation order, sign the contract of transportation, confirm the goods, shipping date, etc., we arrange the goods to enter the warehouse within the agreed time.

3) according to the relevant information provided by our customers, we assist in making customs declaration documents such as packing lists to ensure the smooth release of customs declaration and shipment of goods on schedule.

4) to provide different basic / value-added services upon arrival at destination port, including customs clearance and door-to-door delivery. Value-added services: unloading, moving into the home, removing packaging, installing and placing items, cleaning garbage, etc.

5) after customers confirm receipt of goods, survey satisfaction, collect suggestions and opinions.

Information and information required for consignment;

1. Consignor information (name, telephone, address, ID card scan: these are required to send things to the post office)

2. List of goods (name, material, number of packages, quantity)

3. Consignee Information (name, telephone, address, passport Driver's license scan)

4. If you are a company, please provide (company name, tax number, telephone, fax, address)

Because of focus, so professional; the price is beautiful! Service in place! Word of mouth!

For more information on shipping, please contact: Queenie, / WeChat: 86 13760936065

No. 42 

中国到澳大利亚私人物品托运、钢琴、家具、地毯、陶瓷、等普通货物皆可承运。海运整柜拼箱均可!全程专人定制一站式服务。打包 运输 清关 派送到家!


queenie   13760936065   (微信同步)

No. 43 




Queenie   13760936065(微信同步)

No. 44 
  • 为你提供中国海运到加拿大、新加坡,澳洲,新西兰,马来西亚,泰国,柬埔寨的运输服务。

  • 海运拼箱/整柜,可接私人自用或商业销售用途的:

  •  家具家私,电器,床单被罩枕头抱枕,锅碗瓢盆。

  •  钢琴古筝,画架,颜料,画笔,素描纸等兴趣教育教室所需耗材。

  •  农场果园自用大棚,各类装修材料(如大理石瓷砖)。

  •  奶茶店火锅店中餐厅等餐饮行业所需食材与辅料,超市销售糕点小食。

  •  各类汽车包围配件,电视机LED显示屏音响LED灯,舞台设备等

  •  各类切片机,制冰机,饺子机,面条机,炉灶。

  •  面膜口红,精华液护肤品,洗发水沐浴露,美容仪器。

  •  以上商品从中国到加拿大、新加坡,澳洲,新西兰,马来西亚,泰国,柬埔寨等各城市,你找我,运输,清关没问题,如有需要请加好友咨询13760936065

No. 45 
  •  中国到加拿大,新西兰,澳大利亚,新加坡,马来西亚,泰国海运,双清关送货上门一条龙服务,可代运:

  • ️ 家具、家电、厨具、灯具

  • ️ 建筑材料、卫具五金 、机器

  • ️ 食品类(含肉蛋类成份除外)

  • ️  服装、鞋包、床上用品

  • ️ 运动用品、汽车用品、乐器

  • ️  化妆品、美容仪、美容床

  • ️ 办公用品、文具书籍、玩具

  •  广州仓库提供:免费代收货、集货服务!

  •  移民搬家,国内网购、商品贸易首选!

  •  请加微信备用:13760936065

No. 46 




如需了解更多信息,欢迎联系国际货运Queenie   13760936065

No. 47 




一条龙服务!散货拼箱 整柜都可以!

商品贸易 移民家具 电器厨具 建筑材料 !网购转运 免仓租代收集货服务 !是否有进出口权,都能帮您搞定!


Queenie   13760936065

No. 48 
  1. 为移民、留学生、出国就业人员、贸易工厂等提供专业性的国际搬家、私人物品托运服务。

  2. 各类商品,淘宝工厂货,家具,电器,日常用品,奶茶店铺材料,建筑材料,五金器材等都可以运输到门

  3. 海运,空运均可以送货上门

  4. 中国--加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰,新加坡,马来西亚,泰国,美国等专业运输航线

  5. queenie   13760936065

No. 49 



(海运/空运/陆运 均可送货上门)


24小时专业服务,欢迎致电咨询更多信息:Queenie   13760936065

No. 50 









(1)新加坡、马来西亚、专线双清关、所有单证、商检、税金、报关、门到门、到付海运费(包清关)派送到您的府上一条龙服务! 您只需要提供货物清单和收发人资料即可。 


(3)美国专线:洛杉矶(LOS ANGELES)纽约(NEW YORK) 


我司经过多年行业经验的技术团队人员,自行研发出适合国际私人物品托运行业的物流软件等工具,实现了网上询价、在线订单、网上追踪,达到了客户共享物流信息平台,形成了专业化、信息化、网络化的物流管理体系。 24小时服务热线(13760936065),其他一切由我们完成。不必您亲自动手办理复杂的手续,我公司将派出专业的人员及车队为您服务。

No. 51 

广州到澳大利亚、悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德、弗里曼特尔海运双清专线服务、包清关、包配送、一手庄家、优惠的价格诚实为您操作海运服务,让您放心安全的运输物流公司,移民、家具、私人物品、电器、商品、服装 海运双清门到门专线服务  queenie  13760936065
