
China's solid wood furniture cartons are shipped to Australia. In fact, these are the steps.

The first thing immigrants used to do, of course, was a place to settle down! So bring some furniture, electrical appliances, household supplies are good choices! These things over there to buy prices compared to the difference in domestic education! Instead of buying at a high price abroad, it is better to buy good luck at a low price at home in the past. In fact, these are some of our customers experience! On the transport aspect is generally the choice of shipping is more cost-effective! Few goods can choose to carton, if more, you can choose to transport the whole cabinet! The following is my many years of freight operations summed up some experience, now share with you to see, do not like not to spray, thank you!

# seaborne container-to-door procedures are as follows #

1. Deliver the furniture to the designated warehouse,-2. Cargo arrangement for packing,-3. The goods have wood to arrange fumigation,-4. Export declaration

5. Cargo to port-6. Sydney Port of destination-7. Tax-8. Customs release-9. Consignment to customer warehouse / consignment point.-10. Sign.

The third step of the cargo fumigation problem should not be underestimated, certain operations approved by the Australian Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

If it is not approved by the Australian Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, it is necessary to do a second fumigation in wharf, Australia, so that the cost is high.

The Australian Inspection and Quarantine Agency requires the inspection of all imported wood and wood products to be subject to inspection or to produce a valid certificate of fumigation prior to shipment.

In addition to logs and wood cutting, whether the Australian Inspection and Quarantine Service (AQIS) is concerned about the inspection of wood products. China inspection, where the need for fumigation of goods have wood packaging, into our warehouse, can not have bark, insect moths, mildew (green, mildew spots, etc.), water and moisture.

Step 4 is the issue of export declaration, many private migrants moving goods are without export documents.

Only through customs declaration company operation to buy customs declaration. An individual cannot operate an export declaration.

Step 6. Sydney Port of destination clearance, only Canada allows personal effects to be carried out by individuals, and other countries need to find customs clearance companies on their behalf.

When the cupboard arrives in Hong Kong, it will pay the wharf miscellaneous charges and declare the cargo entry formalities. The customs will issue customs bills (customs duties, etc.) and wait for the customs to release them after they have been paid up, so that they can pick up the cabinets.

# attention to moving private migrants #

Because many of our customers have the need to emigrate, I would like to talk about the attention to move here, I hope it will help you.

1. Organize the things to transport, make a list, international moving and domestic moving are different, domestic moving as long as a name can be written, but international moving to, the port of destination is to make a declaration. So be sure to declare everything you have shipped.

2. Packing, packing as long as well done, transportation process can avoid bumping, wear and tear.

# Australia import GST tax and tariff collection breakdown #

Import GST= (20USD/CBM) Insurance tariff x 10%

Tariff = tax rate (5% / 10%, ordinary goods are 5%) x value of goods

The import duty on commodities is expected to be 1 / 5%, specifically in the inquiry, the specific customs documents shall prevail;

For more professional information, please call Queenie

No. 42 
  1. 为移民、留学生、出国就业人员、贸易工厂等提供专业性的国际搬家、私人物品托运服务。

  2. 各类商品,淘宝工厂货,家具,电器,日常用品,奶茶店铺材料,建筑材料,五金器材等都可以运输到门

  3. 海运,空运均可以送货上门

  4. 中国--加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰,新加坡,马来西亚,泰国,美国等专业运输航线

  5. queenie   13760936065

No. 43 



(海运/空运/陆运 均可送货上门)


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No. 44 






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No. 45 









(1)新加坡、马来西亚、专线双清关、所有单证、商检、税金、报关、门到门、到付海运费(包清关)派送到您的府上一条龙服务! 您只需要提供货物清单和收发人资料即可。 


(3)美国专线:洛杉矶(LOS ANGELES)纽约(NEW YORK) 


我司经过多年行业经验的技术团队人员,自行研发出适合国际私人物品托运行业的物流软件等工具,实现了网上询价、在线订单、网上追踪,达到了客户共享物流信息平台,形成了专业化、信息化、网络化的物流管理体系。 24小时服务热线(13760936065),其他一切由我们完成。不必您亲自动手办理复杂的手续,我公司将派出专业的人员及车队为您服务。

No. 46 


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No. 47 







1对1 服务全程物流跟踪信息提示让您更省心

No. 48 

广州到澳大利亚、悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德、弗里曼特尔海运双清专线服务、包清关、包配送、一手庄家、优惠的价格诚实为您操作海运服务,让您放心安全的运输物流公司,移民、家具、私人物品、电器、商品、服装 海运双清门到门专线服务  queenie  13760936065

No. 49 

拼箱-散货-整柜子 门到门服务 这是中国新干线,也带给了大家方便的运输需求 摆脱了清关麻烦的困扰!!!


在中国您交货给我们后,后续的工作我们物流一手包办,澳洲各城市都有我的分支点,悉尼 墨尔本 布里斯班 阿德来德 货物直接派送到您家里。

Queenie   13760936065

No. 50 






24小时专业服务,欢迎致电咨询更多信息:Queenie   13760936065

No. 51 




(海运/空运/陆运 均可送货上门)


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