
Driving out the kissing homosexual love, Sydney's roller rink was threatened to shut down.

[Social News]     19 Apr 2018
Deloza and Hudson (Daily Mail photo)A young homosexual love in Sydney was expelled after kissing at the rink, complaining on social networking sites. The rink was threatened with death and is now forced to close permanently.

Deloza and Hudson (Daily Mail photo)

A young homosexual love in Sydney was expelled after kissing at the rink, complaining on social networking sites. The rink was threatened with death and is now forced to close permanently.

Sydney-based homosexual love Dressa (Maddie Dellosa) dated Hudson (Amy Hudson) on Saturday at the southern oak plain ice rink (Oak Flats Roller Skating Rink) and kissed her lower lip gently, the Daily Mail reported. As a result, the ice rink manager asked the two men to leave, saying they had received complaints from other parents in the rink that the rink was a place for family activity and could not tolerate such flirting.

The two men explained to no avail, Hudson picked up Deloza`s face to kiss as a revolt. Subsequently, the two men were immediately invited out of the ice rink. Hudson and Deloza were so dissatisfied that they threw their rented skates in the trash and couldn`t help cursing the rink manager.

Hudson and Deloza then posted a message on Facebook, the oak plain rink social networking site, describing the whole story and scoring a star low on the ice rink.

Roller Rink in Oak Plains (Photo of the Daily Mail)

On Monday, the Oak Plain Rink announced the permanent closure of the rink due to staff safety concerns. It is said that after the incident, the oak plain ice rink transponder received a number of evil death threat messages.

In response, Delozza said it was not her intention to move into the field, stressing that she did not approve of such malicious threats.

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