
Violent assault police, on the spot while a man in custody is being treated to a doctor, killed on the spot

[Social News]     11 Nov 2018
A Queensland police officer was forced to shoot a 28-year-old man at (Ipswich Hospital) hospital in Ipswich on Saturday night.

A Queensland police officer was forced to shoot a 28-year-old man at (Ipswich Hospital) hospital in Ipswich on Saturday night.

According to the Messenger Post, Queensland Police Union President Leves (Ian Leavers) said: "this officer is very brave, she showed great restraint. We were very lucky that we did not turn into a police officer yesterday. "

The man was arrested on Friday for serious crimes and was taken to Ipswich Hospital for treatment the next day. At about 9: 00 that night, the man began to commit violence against one of the female senior police officers. Female police officers were "relatively seriously injured in the face," after which shoot hit the man.

Medical staff have been rescuing the man, but he is still dead due to serious injuries.

The injured female police officer was discharged early this morning after receiving medical treatment in the hospital.

Police Superintendent Tritzis (Michael Trezise) said it was a "severe trauma" incident and was providing support to the officers involved. Trezzis also stressed that the incident had nothing to do with terrorism.

Police Conduct investigation Section (Ethical Standards Command) will be involved in the investigation, while the Anti-Corruption Commission (Crime and Corruption Commission) will assist.

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