
Australia-China relations to freezing point? Response of the Secretary-General of the Australian Foreign Ministry

[Social News]     01 Mar 2018
Australian Foreign Minister Bea Xiao (left) meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Capitol in Canberra (right). (Photo)

Australian Foreign Minister Bea Xiao (left) meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Capitol in Canberra (right). (Photo)

Australia`s relations with China have been reported to have fallen to a "freezing point", the Australian news agency reported. Sun Fangan, secretary-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, denied it.

Sun Fong-an was asked today for a report by the Australian newspaper entitled "Cold War-freezing Sino-Australian Relations." (Cold War: China's freeze on ties). "I think the title of this article is wrong," she told the Senate hearing. She acknowledged that there were complex and difficult issues between the two countries, but they were trying to resolve them, and relations between the two countries were "functioning".

A spokesman for Foreign Minister Bi Xiao (Julie Bishop) `s office confirmed Sun`s statement. "despite such comments in Australian and Chinese newspapers, our diplomatic relations with China have not fallen to a freezing point. The Foreign Minister looks forward to visiting China and joining other foreign ministers in the 2018 annual diplomatic and strategic dialogue. " "Australia`s in-depth diplomatic cooperation with China remains normal," the spokesman told the Australian news agency.

According to the Australian newspaper, ministerial and diplomatic trips between China and Australia have been postponed or cancelled, possibly in order to put pressure on Prime Minister Tam Po (Malcolm Turnbull) on foreign intervention legislation. However, the Australian government believes the bill is not aimed at a specific country or government, but is intended to enhance transparency and integrity among institutions, while maintaining relationships with trading partners.

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