
Adelaide Zoo panda 'fake pregnancy', the symptoms are the same as real pregnancy

[Social News]     02 Mar 2017
We have a giant panda named Fu Ni, at Ade Zoo. She is the only giant panda in the southern hemisphere!
Adelaide Zoo panda 'fake pregnancy', the symptoms are the same as real pregnancy

We have a giant panda named Fu Ni, at Ade Zoo. She is the only giant panda in the southern hemisphere!

, Fu Ni, who underwent artificial indoctrination in October last year, was expected to give birth to a fat and white panda baby this year.

However, recently, zoo staff found that the original Fu Ni is a "fake pregnancy"!

For a long time, senior panda keeper Simone Davey and the team have been taking care of Fu Ni as a "pregnant woman"! But they are not sure if Fu Ni is really pregnant.

"during fake pregnancies, changes in hormone levels and external performance are exactly the same as real pregnancies, making it difficult to judge," the team said.

Last week`s hormone levels suggested that Fu Ni might be ready to give birth, and zoo staff were ready to give birth.

Who knows, this time Fu Ni is only "false sex delivery".

But Fu Ni and real pregnancy show a gust of "uterine contraction", but also panting.

Finally, the breeders gave her a toy, and, Fu Ni clasped it to her chest all day.

"the only way to determine whether a giant panda is pregnant is to have a comprehensive ultrasound examination to see if there are panda cubs in the last few weeks before delivery," Davey said. "however, we can only do a rapid ultrasound examination of Fu Ni, and the results show that there are indeed signs of enlarged uterus and thickening of the placenta, but we can`t confirm the existence of panda cubs."

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