
This is Tu'ao! The Australian kangaroo was able to play the battle with the father of the dog.

[Social News]     07 Dec 2018
A father in Victoria fought a "boxing fight" with a kangaroo to protect two pet dogs. (photo by Radio 9)
This is Tu'ao! The Australian kangaroo was able to play the battle with the father of the dog.

A father in Victoria fought a "boxing fight" with a kangaroo to protect two pet dogs. (photo by Radio 9)

A father in Victoria fought a boxing fight with a kangaroo to protect two dogs, the Daily Mail reported.

Bree (Bree Tuohey), from Bendigo (Bendigo), Victoria, is reported to have shared a video on a social platform showing her father battling a kangaroo.

Bree`s father, Tohai (Tuohey), was told two dogs had been attacked by a kangaroo, and he ran to protect them with a beer in his hand.

The video shows Tohai hitting a kangaroo, but he is then kicked in the chest and slumped to the ground. However, even at the moment of the fall, Tohai still held the beer steadily and did not let the beer spill out.

After toppling Tohai, the kangaroo turned and continued to target the two dogs.

Brie, who took the video in a safe place, said she was a little shocked at the time, even though they now thought it was funny. If the kangaroo continues to attack, she doesn`t know what to do.

It is reported that the incident led to cuts and scratches in Tohai.

The video was posted online and viewed more than one hundred thousand times.

Many netizens call Tohai an Australian legend, and others say he represents Australian culture.

One netizen commented: "this is very Australia, too funny."

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