
feel nausea! Sydney man ordered takeout and ate slug

[Social News]     22 Oct 2018
A slug is eaten in a Mexican meal at Guzman y Gomez (pictured in the Daily Telegraph).A man in Sydney`s new town, (Newtown), revealed on a social networking site that he ate a runny worm from a Mexican meal at the Guzman y Gomez restaurant chain.
feel nausea! Sydney man ordered takeout and ate slug

A slug is eaten in a Mexican meal at Guzman y Gomez (pictured in the Daily Telegraph).

A man in Sydney`s new town, (Newtown), revealed on a social networking site that he ate a runny worm from a Mexican meal at the Guzman y Gomez restaurant chain.

According to the Daily Telegraph, Sydney man Dai (Adrian Day) posted on Facebook group Newtown 2042 on Saturday: "I just bought a Mexican meal from the Guzman y Gomez restaurant in the new town and found a runny worm in it."

Dey revealed that he had subsequently returned to the restaurant to complain, and restaurant staff immediately stopped working and began checking ingredients. Guzman y Gomez`s store manager and regional manager both promised a full review to ensure that such incidents did not recur. Dey believes that this may be related to the recent local Rain Water weather and temperature rise in Sydney.

Human consumption of runny worms may infect rat lung nematodes, which can lead to paralysis and severe brain damage.

Sydney youth Ballard (Sam Ballard) boldly swallowed a slug at the age of 19, but unfortunately infected the rat lung nematode, fell into a coma and stayed in hospital for 446 days. The 28-year-old was paralyzed, unable to control his temperature and had to intubate.

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