
Ninety percent of Australians settled in Melbourne, Sydney, and the unemployment rate for skilled immigrants rose to 22 percent

[Current News]     08 Aug 2018
Unpublished statistics show that nearly 90% of new permanent residents arriving in Australia have settled in Melbourne and Sydney. These statistics increase the amount of immigration policy adopted by the government. The need to force some skilled immigrants to settle outside big cities.

Unpublished statistics show that nearly 90% of new permanent residents arriving in Australia have settled in Melbourne and Sydney. These statistics increase the amount of immigration policy adopted by the government. The need to force some skilled immigrants to settle outside big cities.

With Australia`s population reaching 25 million on Tuesday, 87 percent of the one hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and ninety nine skilled immigrants who arrived in Australia last fiscal year settled permanently in Sydney or Melbourne, according to new Home Office data.

Ninety percent of Australians settled in Melbourne, Sydney, and the unemployment rate for skilled immigrants rose to 22 percent

On Tuesday, citizen identity minister Duggie gave a speech saying that population growth was not a "one-dimensional problem."

"instead, it`s about size and distribution," Duggie told the Australian Business Council Forum in Melbourne. "if the population were more evenly distributed, then we would have no congestion pressure in Melbourne and Sydney today. If the infrastructure is built before there is demand, there will not be any. "

Mr Tan government has hinted that resettlement policies will be announced by the end of the year, including visa conditions requiring some newly arrived skilled migrants to settle in cities outside Sydney and Melbourne, as well as in rural areas. Duggie is discussing with South Australia`s governor, Marshall (Steven Marshall), a certain proportion of skilled immigrants to Adelaide.

The Australian newspaper learned that the most likely target group was independent, general skilled migrants, who came to Australia on the basis of a scoring system rather than an employer, guarantee, with about 44000 people a year. Tan Po government recently put the annual number of skilled immigrants at a former Labour government peak of one hundred and ninety thousand, It fell to nearly one hundred and sixty one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine this year-the lowest level in more than a decade-as it began a "rigorous" review of the visa process to restore fairness to the visa system, which was undermined by Labour`s government open-border policy.

Ninety percent of Australians settled in Melbourne, Sydney, and the unemployment rate for skilled immigrants rose to 22 percent

With Sydney and Melbourne increasingly crowded, and over the resurgence of the "Great Australia" political debate, Duggie said that population growth is now not just a matter of numbers, but a "distribution" issue, and he sought to reassure the business community that it is not just a matter of numbers. Government did not close the border for skilled immigrants. However, he pointed out that a better immigration system aimed at attracting skilled talent could only be established if strong border protection policies were maintained.

"whatever the different views, it is important that population growth be managed in a way that benefits all Australians. There is ample evidence for further introduction of skilled migrants, but this does not mean that the more skilled migrants are, the better. We must strike a balance. "

"some senior business leaders have expressed concern that the only news they claim to have heard internationally is that we will close the immigration door. Our doors are absolutely closed to the smuggling business, but we are still open to orderly skilled immigrants. These two things are not contradictory; on the contrary, strong border policies support skilled immigrants. "

While not necessarily supportive of Greater Australia, Duqui said the economic benefits of immigrants were clear, and a recent report by the Treasury and Home Affairs estimated that immigration plans would increase GDP by 1 percent a year, and that GDP per capita would grow moderately.

Ninety percent of Australians settled in Melbourne, Sydney, and the unemployment rate for skilled immigrants rose to 22 percent

But he also points out that some aspects of the immigration plan have failed. The unemployment rate for ordinary skilled immigrants (4-50, 000 of the total) jumped to 22% from 12% in 2009-11 six months after arriving in Australia.

The group had nothing to do with guarantee`s work, but mostly settled in Sydney and Melbourne.

"We haven`t always been able to attract the best and smartest people through this program." Duggie said.

New state governor Begillian (Gladys Berejiklian) has called for population policy to be raised as a priority for next year`s Australian government Joint meeting (COAG).

While she thinks the current level of immigration is "appropriate", the pressure on services and infrastructure should not be ignored, she said.

Federal government is investing 75 billion yuan in infrastructure projects, which will help address congestion related to population growth in Sydney and Melbourne, Duggie said. He also denounced the failure of the New State Labour Party, government, to plan for Sydney`s avoidable expansion.

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