
The number of refugee in Melbourne has skyrocketed, with one out of every 13 new people being refugee

[Current News]     17 Jul 2019
Before Australia`s former prime minister, Mr. Albert, has been left to a very difficult task in Australia, and Australia will receive 12,000 refour before and after Christmas and promise to be permanently placed.

Before Australia`s former prime minister, Mr. Albert, has been left to a very difficult task in Australia, and Australia will receive 12,000 refour before and after Christmas and promise to be permanently placed.

The news is a terrible news for Melbourne, the fast-growing population. One of every 13 will be reflugee!

Relugee`s resettlement problem.

A large proportion of the 12000 refugee will be placed in Sydney and Melbourne.

The number of refugee in Melbourne has skyrocketed, with one out of every 13 new people being refugee

Last year, Australia received 2252 Syrian refugee, of whom 1380 were placed in Sydney, or 61 percent of the total, while Melbourne received 473 people, or 21 percent of the total.

The latest figures show that in Sydney this year, about 7,000 refour will be admitted, and this will be the same as last year, and in this case, Melbourne may receive about 2,500 refees in this batch.

The number of refugee in Melbourne has skyrocketed, with one out of every 13 new people being refugee

However, the 1.2 million people are just Australia`s extra refour this year, and the original plan is to receive 13,750 people this year, with a total of 16,250 people in the next year, and 18,750 people in the next year. That is, the number of Syrian refees in Melbourne this year is about 5200.

Melbourne`s rapidly growing population

Melbourne is the fastest-growing city in Australia. At present, Melbourne`s population has reached 4.4 million, accounting for about 18% of Australia.

The number of refugee in Melbourne has skyrocketed, with one out of every 13 new people being refugee

On the Australian Bureau of Statistics website, there is a project called Population Clock that updates the number of Australian residents in real time and changes every minute.

The number of refugee in Melbourne has skyrocketed, with one out of every 13 new people being refugee

Under the numbers, there is an average of one newborn born every 1 minute and 45 seconds in Australia;1 person dies every 3 minutes and 25 seconds;1 net number of immigrants to Australia every 2 minutes and 12 seconds;So every 1 minute and 22 seconds, Australia in general will have one more person.

That is, the rate in Australia is about 38 million a year, with Melbourne`s current population of about 70,000 per year, as the current population of Melbourne is 18 per cent of the total Australian population. It`s 191 more than a day! 14 of them is refour!

Coupled with the increasing number of overseas immigrants in recent years, Melbourne`s future urban development will be under great pressure.

Melbourne accepts the challenges posed by refugee

Melbourne is a diverse city with people of different races and cultures. The Syrian refugee, which Australia is about to accept permanently, basically belongs to Muslim, which, while increasing the diversity of Melbourne communities, also has a negative impact.

The number of refugee in Melbourne has skyrocketed, with one out of every 13 new people being refugee

Where will they live? Will the instability of society be increased? They`re not gonna waste the taxplayer`s money? It`s a matter of concern to many people, though the government has not given a specific placement plan at the moment, and has repeatedly stressed the need for strict refour to control the review, but the arrival of a major wave of Muslim is a concern.

The number of refugee in Melbourne has skyrocketed, with one out of every 13 new people being refugee

Australia`s government officials have also said that to avoid "refgee area", refour will be placed in the various areas, and they are not intended to focus on them.

Although some people support it and some people object, the Australian government has "released its words" and only hopes that government can properly solve the problems of law and order, housing and employment when it comes to humanitarian relief.

The news was compiled by the Daily Mail

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