
Fishermen in Xinzhou caught several sharks and found amazing findings when they cut open the belly of the fish.

[Social News]     03 Jan 2019
Fishermen caught four large sharks and one small shark on the north-central bank of (Mid North Coast), a popular river for rowers. (photo by Daily Mail)
Fishermen in Xinzhou caught several sharks and found amazing findings when they cut open the belly of the fish.

Fishermen caught four large sharks and one small shark on the north-central bank of (Mid North Coast), a popular river for rowers. (photo by Daily Mail)

According to the Sydney Morning Herald and the Daily Mail, fishermen caught four large sharks and one small shark at a popular river on the north-central coast of (Mid North Coast). Surprisingly, the sharks swallowed many other animals.

On Monday, commercial fisherman Brislan (Billy Brislane) caught four large sharks and one small shark at the (Macleay River) estuary of the McGee River. The largest shark is 3.5 meters long and the smallest one is 1.7 meters long.

After cutting open sharks, Brislan was surprised to find that there were many other animals in their stomachs. He said: "these sharks should be very hungry, they have a lot of small sharks, dolphins and stingray."

Apparently, the hungry sharks are swimming in (Coffs Harbour) and Macquarie, the port of Coves, which are popular with water motorcyclists, raising concerns about safety.

It is understood that just a few days ago, two kayaks in (Fairy Meadow Beach), (Wollongong) Ferlimidou Beach, Wolonggang encountered a large shark whose ship was hit by a shark. Life-rescuers estimate that the shark was bigger than a two-man kayak.

In addition, at the end of last year, a surfer was attacked by a shark in (Ballina), in the north of the new state. He used a surfboard to repel the shark, but left a 20-centimeter-long wound to his leg.

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