
Sydney gas station appears to burn the man, burning all over the body is only underwea

[Social News]     23 Dec 2018
A man who has just experienced a fire roams around a gas station in (Blacktown), Sydney, on Friday night, waiting for rescue, the Daily Mail reported. The man suffered a 50% burn and left only one pair of underpants, a shock to passers-by.

A man who has just experienced a fire roams around a gas station in (Blacktown), Sydney, on Friday night, waiting for rescue, the Daily Mail reported. The man suffered a 50% burn and left only one pair of underpants, a shock to passers-by.

It is reported that at about 07:15 Friday night, at a gas station in (Sunnyholt Road), Sonny Holt Road, Perak, emergency service personnel found a man with 50 percent of the area burned.

Sydney gas station appears to burn the man, burning all over the body is only underwea

The burned man waited for help near the gas station

Video filmed by passers-by showed the man wandering around the gas station waiting for rescue. His upper body was naked and his lower half burned to his underwear. The trousers had been completely burned, leaving some broken fabric at the waist of the trousers.

Seriously injured, the man groaned painfully and intermittently said the word "hurry up (hurry)".

In view of his injuries, the frightened passers-by were bewildered, unable to touch or help him, and asked him if he had called for an ambulance.

While waiting for rescue, the injured man has been walking around the gas station. Too tired to sustain, he leaned his head against a sign.

Two other passers-by brought a bottle of water and tried to persuade the injured man to drink some. A good man hung the bottle and gave him water to make sure the bottle did not touch the man`s lips.

Sydney gas station appears to burn the man, burning all over the body is only underwea

The burned man waited for help near the gas station

(NSW Fire and Rescue), a new state fire and rescue agency, arrived and sent the man to hospital by helicopter.

A spokesman for the new state police said the cause of the man`s burns was not yet regular. It may be related to a transformer fire in (Bessemer Street), nearby Becker Street. However, it has not been determined whether the two incidents are related.

It is reported, new state fire and rescue agency personnel have been to nearby streets fire. Fire authorities feared that the transformer-triggered fire would spread to nearby properties, but checks revealed that the nearby property had not been affected.

Sydney gas station appears to burn the man, burning all over the body is only underwea

The burned man waited for help near the gas station

Just as the fire broke out, the injured man appeared at a nearby gas station.

It is reported that the identity of the injured man has not been determined. He is a white man, aged 35 to 45, of medium build, with short dark hair and a beard. At present its condition is stable.

The police are investigating the incident.

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