
The Australian Tourism Board does not pay for shooting, only for lunch to be approved.

[Social News]     11 Apr 2019
Canberra (Photo No. 7)Tourism Australia`s (Tourism Australia) shoot only served lunch, sparking criticism, and has withdrawn its recruitment ads.
The Australian Tourism Board does not pay for shooting, only for lunch to be approved.

Canberra (Photo No. 7)

Tourism Australia`s (Tourism Australia) shoot only served lunch, sparking criticism, and has withdrawn its recruitment ads.

According to Channel 7, Australian Media Entertainment and Art alliance (MEAA) shares a recruitment ad from the Australian tourist Board through its social networking site Twitter, recruiting two people to take part in Canberra photography, working about 10 hours in two days.

The recruitment ad reads: "there is a free lunch in the world. Every day, a man and a woman. Candidates must be proactive, like to walk (wear shoes!), ride a bike, and show confidence in front of the camera.

Working hours are Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 3 p.m.

Recruitment ads say that while this is a unpaid activity, lunch is provided every day and all participation is free.

Australian Media Entertainment and Art alliance revealed that the ad was published at a youth hostel and was not an internship position.

"does it make sense to have a free lunch for a 10-hour job," queried the Australian Media Entertainment and Art alliance. Netizens responded, "of course not reasonable", "absolutely unreasonable, this is not Australia."

Tourism Australia`s speaker responded that the recruitment ad should not appear and did not reflect the agency`s usual approach to hiring.

The Australian tourist Board discovered the advertisement late Tuesday and immediately asked for it to be removed. Speaker added that it had not received any applications for recruitment.

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