
How Australians use their houses to support gay voting

[Current News]     20 Nov 2017
In a referendum on gay marriage in Australia, more than half of the final support for gay (Vote YES) means legalization of homosexuality is imminent in Australia.

In a referendum on gay marriage in Australia, more than half of the final support for gay (Vote YES) means legalization of homosexuality is imminent in Australia.

In the vote, the Australian people used all kinds of talents to publicize their claims.

Jack Barr and his roommate, for example, decided to turn their white fence into a rainbow in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne.

How Australians use their houses to support gay voting

"everyone in the house has a lover who will be affected by this ticket-the rainbow fence is a small way to support our friends and family," Barr said.

The house was on the main road and attracted a lot of attention, and most people responded positively to our behavior.

Roommates often receive support and thank-you letters, until yesterday`s announcement of the results, a lot of people will come to thank us for our efforts.

For many homeowners with fences, they do so.

How Australians use their houses to support gay voting

Sydney Opera House lit up support for the YES vote on Nov. 7, marking the inauguration of the 2018 Carnival.

How Australians use their houses to support gay voting

It also makes it clear to Australians that, in the case of goverment, they are pro-homosexual legalization.

A house in Sydney`s Enmore has also been painted completely in a supportive color, and many people stop to watch and take pictures as they pass through the house.

How Australians use their houses to support gay voting

And many other families have changed their mailboxes to color, because the vote is done through the mailbox, so this move is also popular with the general public.

How Australians use their houses to support gay voting

And it was the Australian people who spared no effort to promote the legalization of homosexuality, using their homes to encourage others to vote in favour of the vote, in return for the referendum victory.

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