
The Victorian government strictly prevents minors from drinking alcohol, and advertisements for drinking alcohol are not allowed to appear near the school.

[Social News]     26 Mar 2018
The state government`s overhaul of alcohol laws will prohibit alcohol companies from advertising anywhere near the school.

The state government`s overhaul of alcohol laws will prohibit alcohol companies from advertising anywhere near the school.

The Andrews government will also close a legal loophole that allows minors to buy alcohol when they go to restaurants with their guardians.

Public health agencies have been calling on the government to crack down on alcohol advertising near schools because of its association with teenage drinking.

The new law will be introduced within weeks to ban alcohol advertising within 150 meters of any of the state`s 2500 schools.

Other reforms include a fine of up to 18,999 yuan if a takeout driver or bicycle rider delivers alcohol to a minor.

Restaurant customers will be allowed to bring home unfinished but open bottles of wine or other drinks.

The government no longer requires liquor producers to have several liquor licences, saving them millions of dollars a year.

Changes to the alcohol control bill will be presented to parliament in the coming weeks.

Carlos (Marlene Kairouz), director of gambling and alcohol regulations, said the first review of the bill was aimed at reducing the harm done to young people.

"Children should not see advertisements that encourage them to drink on their way to school every day, which is why we should ban advertising for drinks near school."

"these reforms will better protect children and consumers and reduce red tape in business," she said.

A ban on advertising near schools came after a series of public health agencies found a link between alcohol marketing and the risk level of alcohol consumption among teenagers.

The new laws reflect restrictions on the code of conduct for outdoor media advertising, although they will not extend to bars, recreation departments or bottled shops or outside sports venues and racecourse.

The Victoria Cancer Council, (Cancer Council Victoria), called for a ban on advertising near schools after a study found a link between alcohol consumption and alcohol marketing among teenagers.

The more advertising teenagers get exposed to alcohol, the more alcohol they drink, says (Royal Australiasian College of Surgeons) of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.

Victoria State Department of Health (VicHealth) also said children exposed to outdoor alcohol advertising can cause alcohol-related hazards. It claims that drinks companies spend 26 million yuan a year on outdoor advertising, and most advertisers appear as young people.

But the government has not responded to the Department of Health`s request to ban alcohol advertising on public transport and even taxis.

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