
'stay in Australia by dirty means!' High house prices and low wages all depend on them! Foreign student: we will not bear this pot

[Economic News]     18 Jul 2018
International students have always been a very important part of Australian society, but as more and more students come to Australia, there are naturally many social problems.

International students have always been a very important part of Australian society, but as more and more students come to Australia, there are naturally many social problems.

International students extend their legal stay in Australia by changing visa types, an Australian demographer said recently. The effect of too many students doing so is to push up house prices in Australia and lower wages in Australia.

According to the Daily Mail, Bob Birrell is a Ph. D. at the Australian Institute of population Studies in Melbourne.

Students coming to Australia are using dirty tricks to manipulate the visa system to extend their stay in Australia, he said.

He also gave reasons for his point of view:

The number of student visa holders increased from two hundred and seventy eight thousand in 2010-2011 to three hundred and seventy three thousand nine hundred and ninety nine. 5 years in 2016-2017, with an increase of one hundred thousand.

"they will first hold a student visa for a few years, convert it to a work visa after graduation, or a tourist visa, and then a work holiday visa."

First of all, the housing problem.

Students who can afford to study abroad have relatively good family conditions, they will live in a better area, buy high housing, prices naturally rise.

Locals can no longer rent affordable homes, and rising house prices have made it impossible for Australians to buy.

This is a circular visa path, and over such a long period of time, these students will have a lot of impact on Australian society.

Australia`s visa system allows students to stay in Australia and they can legally enter the labour market or apply for permanent residency, Birrell said.

Allowing foreign students to work 20 hours a week has already hit the retail and service industries!

More and more Australians are unable to find jobs and wages are falling.

International students are the main cause of poor working conditions and low wages in Australia`s entry-level labour market, according to Birrell.

Near the election, immigration has been the focus of debate between Australia`s two main political parties. Interior Secretary Peter Dutton said on Friday that the number of people receiving PR fell by 21000 last year to just 162000.

Australian Prime Minister Tam Po said Monday that while the number of people applying for visas has reached a record high, the number of people receiving permanent immigration visas is declining.

"We will be more cautious and picky to ensure that every successful applicant is the one Australia really needs," Mr Tan said.

Labour leader Bill Shorten accused government of issuing too many visas to make Australia face very serious problems. And these people, have had a huge negative impact on Australian jobs and house prices.

"under the leadership of the Liberal Party, more than 1.6 million people with temporary visas have the right to work in Australia."

Former Australian Prime Minister Albert also said there was a need to "significantly reduce" the number of overseas immigrants to Australia to ease pressure on house prices, infrastructure and wages.

But in the end, the editor wants to say that while foreign students do a lot of part-time jobs, they tend to be vulnerable groups, with lower wages more about employers than wage earners.

The rise in house prices in Australia is affected by a number of factors, not to blame all the problems on international students.

So is it too hasty to accuse foreign students of pushing up housing prices and lowering wages?

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