
Sydney police officers abuse their authority to evade drunk driving test and get a year's sentence.

[Social News]     17 Dec 2017
An off-duty police officer in Sydney was sentenced to 16 months` imprisonment for using his power to evade a drunk driving test. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)

An off-duty police officer in Sydney was sentenced to 16 months` imprisonment for using his power to evade a drunk driving test. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)

A Sydney police officer was sentenced to 16 months in prison by a Sydney court after using his power to evade random breathing tests, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

It is reported that on January 8, 2016, 50-year-old Sydney police officer Jonson (Sarah Louise Johnston) drove past northern Sydney just as the police conducted a random breathing test. After a brief conversation with a novice police officer, Johnson left without a test.

On Friday, Judge Hoy (Christopher Hoy) of Tang Ning`s Central District Court, (Downing Centre District Court), sentenced Jonson to 16 months in prison and 12 months without parole. Jonson wept at the news. Hoy says such violations are shameful.

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