
Suspected of planning to circumcise her daughter, the immigrant couple were banned from Australia.

[Social News]     20 Aug 2017
An immigrant couple in Australia has been banned from leaving Australia after suspected plans to circumcise their young daughter. A lawsuit filed by the immigrant couple for the lifting of the ban was dismissed by the court last week.

An immigrant couple in Australia has been banned from leaving Australia after suspected plans to circumcise their young daughter. A lawsuit filed by the immigrant couple for the lifting of the ban was dismissed by the court last week.

According to the Daily Mail, a new state immigrant couple were born overseas and have lived in Australia for the past 10 years. In September 2014, the immigrant couple's daughter was born in Australia. The couple's daughter was born after new state police received a tip that the immigrant couple planned to send their daughter overseas for circumcision. New state police then monitor the phone calls of immigrant couples, found that the report is true.

In a telephone conversation between the immigrant couple and their mother and cousin, the husband of the immigrant couple once said, "Let's not tell people in our country of origin about the circumcision of our children. Whenever one person reports, we will all be investigated. So don't say more, even people or friends from our country of origin. New state police then raided the home of the immigrant couple and found four tickets back to their country of origin.

As a result, the immigrant couple were banned from Australia, and the immigrant couple protested and filed a lawsuit for the ban to be lifted. Last week, the court opened the case.

The husband of the immigrant couple said he was referring to a friend's child, not his own, during the conversation being monitored by the police. Wives of immigrant couples say they were circumcised when they were young, and uncircumcised girls in local culture are regarded as "unruly".

The New State Department of Family and Community Services said the ban could be lifted after the police did not file criminal charges against the immigrant couple involved.

Finally, the judge decided that the immigrant couple's daughter belonged to the high-risk group of circumcision, and announced that the immigration couple's ban on immigration would not be lifted.

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