
Look who didn't do garbage sorting! Adelaide or push the transparent dustbin.

[Social News]     20 Jun 2019
Adelaide plans to launch transparent dustbins, a measure aimed at identifying lazy people who do not carry out garbage sorting. (photo No. 9)
Look who didn't do garbage sorting! Adelaide or push the transparent dustbin.

Adelaide plans to launch transparent dustbins, a measure aimed at identifying lazy people who do not carry out garbage sorting. (photo No. 9)

Adelaide plans to launch transparent dustbins, a measure aimed at identifying lazy people who do not carry out garbage sorting, Radio 9 reported.

It is reported that seven parts in Perth have launched transparent dustbins, which will allow residents to observe whether their neighbors are incorrectly classified or create too much garbage.

Now, councillor, a district in Adelaide, South Australia, has proposed the introduction of similar bins in the city as part of a plan to strengthen the standard of garbage separation, shaming residents who do not have garbage separation.

Councillor Simms (Robert Sims) says it is time to take different steps in garbage management and recycling. "We need to get residents to think about what to throw into the dustbin," he said. Putting transparent dustbins in public places helps people understand what can be thrown into dustbins.

He also pointed out that Adelaide has a good reputation for garbage collection, and stressed that the city took the lead in launching container deposits in the 1970s, followed by similar measures in other parts of Australia.

However, Australia is taking action to reduce plastic waste, and some online voices point out that using plastic to make transparent dustbins can have the opposite effect and that throwing away the dustbin currently in use is also harmful to the environment.

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