
Business is also related to blood, the Chinese in Australia to open coffee shops lose more than win less

[Economic News]     24 Apr 2019
Melbourne is a well-known "coffee capital". Coffee shops are more popular with Chinese immigrants because of their elegant environment and taste, and many investment immigrants to Australia have chosen coffee shop business. The reality, however, is that few Chinese coffee shops have succeeded in making money after taking over from Westerners. Many people also have to continue to operate in order t...

Melbourne is a well-known "coffee capital". Coffee shops are more popular with Chinese immigrants because of their elegant environment and taste, and many investment immigrants to Australia have chosen coffee shop business. The reality, however, is that few Chinese coffee shops have succeeded in making money after taking over from Westerners. Many people also have to continue to operate in order to take the identity, once the identity is transferred out.

Business is also related to blood, the Chinese in Australia to open coffee shops lose more than win less
Business is also related to blood, the Chinese in Australia to open coffee shops lose more than win less

Mr. Liu, an investment immigrant from Beijing, came to Melbourne the year before last. With the help of business agents, he learned about a lot of businesses: roasted chicken shops, dry cleaners, coffee shops and retail stores. After careful analysis of the observations, 330000 eventually took over a coffee shop in an office building from an Italian. But after taking over, there are a lot of problems. Because of his lack of familiarity with the coffee shop business, he said, "after drinking instant coffee in China for a few years, everything has to start from scratch." For example, different kinds of coffee, different kinds of dishes and Westerners` food are unfamiliar to me who have been engaged in textile production and management in China for a long time. And English, at first nothing to help, can only stand by to watch them there. Later, he hired a manager who knew both Chinese and English as well as experience in managing coffee shops to help manage the business, but he still lost money on his business for a year. In retrospect, the year really went through a lot of painful things, I as a boss often do some of the most tired and dirty rough work. A year of no profit, we analyzed a number of reasons, one is a lot of customers leave, the former owner is Italian, since I bought the store, the store suddenly changed the face of the Chinese people. Some of the guests who were well acquainted with their former hosts stopped coming to the store. Like an Italian selling Chinese dumplings, business is not going to be any better. The second is because of the rise in price costs, but our menu price has been maintained at the original price, so the profit is less and less. Third, there are some offices in the office building that have affected our business. The next year, although we adjusted some business strategies, such as the appearance of the change environment, the price increase, and so on, but at present, there are not many passengers, and it is really too hard. I intend to get the PR after I get it. We began to do import and export business on a trans-project basis. "

Business is also related to blood, the Chinese in Australia to open coffee shops lose more than win less
Business is also related to blood, the Chinese in Australia to open coffee shops lose more than win less

Interestingly, unlike Chinese-run cafes, Chinese bakeries are very good in Melbourne. Recently, journalist saw people of all kinds of skin lining up for bread at a bakery in City, Melbourne. Ms. Sarah, a local Australian who often buys bread here, told journalist that her whole family loved the products in the Chinese bakery. "most of the bread in the supermarket is used as a staple food," she said. "some of them are used for sandwiches. They have to be served with seasoning, dishes and meat. The bread in the Western bakeries is generally stiff and not rich in taste." The bread in the Chinese bakery not only has a novel style, modern name, but also a lot of tastes, some of which have been sandwiched in sausage, shrimp, meat, bean paste, jam and so on, both convenient and good taste. Our whole family likes to eat this bread for dessert. Sometimes the children take lunch and buy a few of these bread. The products of the Chinese bakery are the food I have to buy every week. "

Coffee, bitter bread and sweet bread are all cultural troubles! According to statistics, each Australian now consumes an average of 2.4 kg of coffee a year, up from 0.6 kg 50 years ago. Coffee has become a favorite drink for many Australians today. There are plenty of successful cafes in Melbourne, so why is it difficult for Chinese-owned cafes to make a profit?

Mr. Dante, an Australian who has been operating coffee shops in Melbourne for more than a decade, says there are many factors that affect the coffee shop, such as the quality of the owner, the environment of the shop, the volume of passengers, the quality of the staff, and so on. But as a boss, in addition to understand English, easy to communicate with customers, but also know how to operate, understand coffee, that is, understand coffee culture. "many Australians are of British descent and some cultures inherit British traditions," he said. Australian coffee shops focus on brewery. Coffee beans and coffee milk are well chosen. Many big coffee shops feature regular events every weekend, cyclists, rugby enthusiasts, cricket enthusiasts, etc., often gather in cafes for coffee, breakfast and delicious lunches. Operators also often chat with these consumers. He said: "I know that many Chinese coffee shops in order to save labor costs, not to hire professional people, are married, some are now learning to sell. It is difficult to promote coffee culture in Australia because coffee shops do not know much about coffee. How can we sell coffee if we can`t promote coffee culture? If the Chinese want to open a good coffee shop, they should not only understand the coffee culture, but also understand the coffee shop culture. Because your guests, more are really growing up drinking coffee, coffee has become part of their blood. This is also an important reason why it is difficult for Chinese to open cafes here.

Mr. Kaleo, a senior Chinese barista in Melbourne, said that many coffee shops in China have no flavor, indicating that the vast majority of Chinese people still do not know about coffee, and coffee is still a product for Chinese people in the end. It is hard to understand the western coffee culture for a while. The barriers to the Chinese language and the different understanding of the local culture make it difficult for Western customers to taste coffee to exchange ideas with the operators, and naturally it is difficult to form a long-term fixed customer base.

Chinese coffee shops are difficult to gain recognition from local Australians, so how do Chinese bakeries in Australia succeed? Mr. Flanck, a baker at a Chinese best-selling bakery in Melbourne, told journalist that, Europe and America people in Australia are the main consumer groups here, so opening a bakery in Australia should consider not only the taste of the Chinese, but also other Asians. Europe and America tastes. At present, in order to attract more customers from other foreign fast food shops, especially must also introduce the concept of health, healthy culture, and good eating habits have been recognized by many people. More people enjoy bread as well as health.

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