
A brief introduction and comparison of Australian parents' Reunion payment, queuing Immigration Visa (103143 and 173Visa) Policy

[Family Migration]     13 Dec 2017
Australian parents reunited immigrants permanent residence visas have traditionally been of concern to filial Australian children, including ordinary waiting parents and paid parents who can be reunited early. Here, we give you a brief introduction to the Australian parents Reunion Immigration Visa Policy and a comparison of different types of visas.

Australian parents reunited immigrants permanent residence visas have traditionally been of concern to filial Australian children, including ordinary waiting parents and paid parents who can be reunited early. Here, we give you a brief introduction to the Australian parents Reunion Immigration Visa Policy and a comparison of different types of visas.

A brief introduction and comparison of Australian parents' Reunion payment, queuing Immigration Visa (103143 and 173Visa) Policy

There are three types of visas related to parents' immigration in Australia:

  • Queue parents permanent immigrants, that is, 103 visa: the applicant needs to wait for a long time in accordance with the Australian Immigration Board hearing schedule, before entering the final trial and approval stage, approved immediately to obtain permanent residence status. At present, the trial period is about 30 years or so;
  • Donor parents permanent residence Visa, 143 Visa: the Australian Government is required to pay a substantial sum of money and all contributions are paid at one time, which is granted directly to permanent residence status;
  • Donor parents temporary Visa, 173 Visa: the Australian Government will have to pay a similar amount in two instalments, and the applicant may pay the remaining amount of the contribution within two years of obtaining the 173 temporary visa and convert it to a permanent residence visa.
A brief introduction and comparison of Australian parents' Reunion payment, queuing Immigration Visa (103143 and 173Visa) Policy

The above data source, published by Australia's Immigration Department in mid-September 2014, is for reference only.

According to the list, the waiting time for category 143 and 173 visas would be shorter when purely considering the processing of visa applications submitted, while the waiting time for category 103 visas would be longer.

The problem now is that the 143 and 173 categories of visas are under greater financial pressure for some newcomers, and that some families are more comfortable coping with them. But in terms of cost, it would be more economical to line up in the 103 category for parents to emigrate. If both parents are in good health and are not very old, it is highly recommended that you take advantage of this valuable opportunity to give it a try.

The road is all on its own, and the cost of trying and the energy it takes is not great. However, if there is always such, that kind of concern, not to try, then there is no chance. What do you say?

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