
Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

[Social News]     24 Jun 2019
Recently, 5G events are booming.Before the United States Trump blocked Huawei on a large scale, in order to protect their own 5G construction.

Recently, 5G events are booming.

Before the United States Trump blocked Huawei on a large scale, in order to protect their own 5G construction.

Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

With the Huaei "Hung-mong" system, the Heath chip is in the present world, and the development of 5G is strongly promoted.

Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

Just as we are looking forward to the speed of the network that Tu O is complained about every day, it can be faster as a result of the 5 gigabyte update.

A piece of news woke up the impressionist like cold water.

Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

Vivian Dunstan,53, founded the Stop 5G Northern Beaches fb group in April

Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

She said that she now has more than 1,300 members to stop until the study proves that the latest updates to the communication technology are safe.

Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

Manley was one of the first suburbs to see a 5G launch in Australia, and Internet speed has increased by 10 to 20 times for users with compatible phones.

At present, there are 17 proposed 5G antennas.

Some scientists are concerned that current electromagnetic radiation from power lines, Wi-Fi, telephone masts and broadcast emitters could pose cancer risks, damage to DNA, and lead to headaches and behavioral problems.

An analysis of 97 studies conducted by EU review agencies concluded that there were also potential risks to insect and bird location and plant health.

Environmentalists warn that the 5G launch could do more damage.

Many people don`t understand what 5G actually means, Ms. Dunstein said, which will greatly increase our exposure to wireless radiation.

Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

The initial 5G will be provided through existing telephone towers, which will be upgraded to transmit smaller but more powerful radio waves, unlike 4G or 3G in the past.

However, in the future, small batteries will be added to the lamp post and house to meet the data and connection requirements of 5G and other technologies.

Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

In the end, Ms. Dunstein added, everything will be "connected," including refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, as well as driverless cars and things that have not yet been thought of.

At present, I can turn off Wi-Fi, at home when everything depends on 5 gigabytes, and I can`t escape 24 hours a day.

In fact, it is not only in Australia, but also banned all over the world.

Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'
Get out of here, 5G! Sydney people are strong protest, everywhere is full of radiation: 'We are not mice.'

On March 24 th, government officials in Portland, Oregon, expressed clear opposition to the installation of a 5G network around the city.

On March 28 th Florence, Italy, adopted the principle of prevention and refused permission for 5 gigabytes. Rome voted against the 5G test.

On March 28 th, the Russian Defense Ministry refused to switch to 5 gigabytes, delaying the launch of any 5 gigabytes within five years.

On March 31 th, Belgian environmental minister announced that Brussels was suspending its 5G promotion program.

On April 4 th, the Germans collectively petition forced the Bundestag to debate the merits of 5 gigabytes.

On April 4 th, parliament members of the Netherlands insisted that radiation research must be carried out before approval of 5 gigabytes.

On 9 April, the cantons of Wo and Geneva adopted a resolution calling for a suspension of 5G. The Council of State is called upon to request WHO to monitor independent scientific research to determine the harmful effects of 5G.

Impression conclusion

The impact of 5G on us may not only be that the speed of the network is many times faster than 4G. There may be other security risks. At present, with the development of 5G technology, how to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this technology is a real concern.

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