
Keynes tenant checked out to clean, but found more than a decade-old stash of diamonds

[Social News]     27 Feb 2018
Moving is not a fun thing, especially when you have to do a big cleaning for a deposit-unless you find a diamond while cleaning.

Moving is not a fun thing, especially when you have to do a big cleaning for a deposit-unless you find a diamond while cleaning.

Keynes tenant checked out to clean, but found more than a decade-old stash of diamonds

A housekeeper in Keynes found diamonds that police believe have been hidden for more than a decade while checking out.

Senior Sergeant Russel Parker said someone was believed to have "secretly left the diamond in this apartment around 2, 000 years or so."

"it was only because of the thorough cleaning of the property that it was discovered." He said。

Sergeant Parker says the police are looking for the owner of the diamond, but the details of the diamond are tight-lipped.

He just said he found less than six diamonds, but wouldn't say how big and how much they were worth.

Government is not sure whether the diamonds are legally owned, and whether the purpose of hiding them is greasy.

Sergeant Parker said that, in any case, the "impeccable honesty" of those who found the diamond was commendable, and there might be other rewards.

The tenants began to realize, 'look, I'm not the owner of these things,' so they came to the police station to hand over the diamonds. If we can't find the rightful owner of the diamonds, then the tenant will get them, and that's a good possibility. "

The lost property is usually found in the Kunzhou State Police Department for two months. If no one claims it, the person who finds it can own the lost property.

But because these diamonds are valuable, the police extended the lost and found time in the hope of finding a real owner.

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